Saturday, 28 January 2017

Busted!! See Details Of The Fake News Websites Which Published Buhari’s Death

This President Buhari's death fabrication all started last week and trust social media, it spread like "petrol fire" immediately not knowing that the news is fake. The website alleged that President Buhari died in London Hospital. Everybody thought the news from a Nigeria website "metronew" not knowing it emanated from a UK website: METRO-UK.COM. 

The Presidency was quick to dispel the reports as false, confirming that Buhari is hale and hearty.

But, investigations have revealed that the domain of ”” was registered in the USA by a company that also owns ”” – that published President Buhari committing suicide. On Wednesday afternoon, reported that “Nigeria President’s security tightened after attempting Suicide”.

The fake metro report

The two fake websites are operated by the same company.

The same picture of Buhari was used in both stories, and the line “The President’s decision to receive medical care in a foreign land has angered some of his countrymen” was repeated word-for-word.

The owners of the two sites are listed as WILD WEST DOMAINS on The sites were registered in Arizona, United States.

“Huffington” was registered on November 19, 2016, and “Metro” on October 25, 2016.

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