Saturday, 28 January 2017

"Disabled German Lady Healed At TB Joshua's Church" (Photos)

A severely disabled young lady from Germany has found the cure for her medically incurable disease in the unlikeliest of places – a church in Lagos, Nigeria.

Nicole Wezolek came to The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) from her European base on a wheelchair after she was diagnosed with the debilitating disease of multiple sclerosis.

Medical doctors had pronounced her a ticking time-bomb with little less than a year to live as her entire body became increasingly numb and failed to respond to all treatment.

Having watched T.B. Joshua’s famed miracles on YouTube, Nicole decided to take the journey to Lagos, Nigeria, accompanied by her mother Marefe.

Sitting in the church on Sunday 15th January 2017, Pastor T.B. Joshua approached her and gave a word of prophecy that she was plagued by a suicidal spirit and depression, facts her mother instantly confirmed.

A video released by Emmanuel TV’s YouTube channel on Saturday 28th January 2017 shows Miss Wezolek falling heavily to the ground after Joshua’s prayer, the unusual contortions of her body showing the extent of the multiple sclerosis.

The following Sunday, Nicole and her mother returned to The SCOAN to testify to her total healing.

Showing her official card from the German government which classified her as a disabled person requiring the constant assistance of someone, Nicole said that feeling had returned to her body for the first time in one year after the prayer.

“The numbness is gone,” she told congregants. “I can feel my body one hundred percent and I’m happy that I can walk again.”

To cap off their miraculous Nigerian adventure, T.B. Joshua gave the duo $2,000 on their return to Germany.

“It’s overwhelming,” Marefe tearfully concluded, “I am touched with all your help.”

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